Wiseman to Deadhorse
also called Prudhoe Bay

Wiseman to Deadhorse
The Arctic Getaway is located near the halfway point between Fairbanks and the Arctic Ocean. The grandest Arctic scenery is attributed to the region between Coldfoot and the Sagavanirktok River, about 140 miles to the North. Along this section, you pass over Alaska’s highest roadway summit, Atigun pass (4,800 feet) through the Brooks Range, 65 miles from Wiseman.
You leave the boreal forest behind and enter the treeless regions of the high arctic. Watch for wolves, grizzly bears, and Dall sheep. The undulating hills of the Arctic become apparent as you leave the mountains. Grand vistas of high arctic tundra are found all the way to Deadhorse and Prudhoe Bay. Watch for Muskox along the road from Happy Valley to the Franklin Bluffs.
The drive to Deadhorse takes 6 – 7 hours. Some do it faster, depending on road conditions and sightseeing interests. Many do the roundtrip from Wiseman to Deadhorse and back to Wiseman in one day. But it is a long one indeed. Thanks for all that summer sun!
If you prefer to do the drive only once there is also the option to fly to Deadhorse and rent a one-way rental car from Alaska 4×4.
Places to STay
There are a few hotels in Prudhoe Bay but call ahead to make sure they have space.
- Arctic Oilfield Hotel 907-685-0500
- Aurora Hotel 907-670-0600
- Eagle Lodging 907-371-0340
- Brooks Camp 907-659-6233
- Deadhorse Camp 907-474-3565 – (1-877-474-3565)
- Prudhoe Bay Hotel 907-659-2449
Arctic Ocean & Oilfield Tour
Access to the Arctic ocean and the oilfields with your personal vehicle is not permitted. The only way to see this area is through a custom tour. Reservations must be made 24 hours in advance, and you need to provide a driver’s license/passport number. Make reservations through:
- Deadhorse Camp: 907-474-3565 (1-877-474-3565)